Інформація для авторів

Цифрова інклюзивність у викладанні англійської мови

Authors are invited to submit original research papers or innovative practice papers.Papers should be written in English and follow APA style guidelines.Abstracts should be 3-4 pages in word format Microsoft Word, A4 (*.doc, .docx ), Times New Roman –14pt. Line Spacing –Single, Margins – 2 cm; paragraph – 1,25 cm; spacing before and after the paragraph – 0 (zero);1st line: abstract title (bold, centered, upper case, 14);2nd line: surname and name (centred, common capitalization, bold italics, font size 12);next line: academic title, current position, affiliation, city, country (centred, italic, 12)through 1 spacing: text;all the references list entries should be formatted according to requirements of the APA standard (http://www.apastyle.org/)the last line: abstract title, surname and name in Ukrainian.