Політика конференції

Процес рецензування

Authors are invited to submit original research papers or innovative practice papers.Papers should be written in English and follow APA style guidelines.Abstracts should be 3-4 pages in word format Microsoft Word, A4 (*.doc, .docx ), Times New Roman –14pt. Line Spacing –Single, Margins – 2 cm; paragraph – 1,25 cm; spacing before and after the paragraph – 0 (zero);1st line: abstract title (bold, centered, upper case, 14);2nd line: surname and name (centred, common capitalization, bold italics, font size 12);next line: academic title, current position, affiliation, city, country (centred, italic, 12)through 1 spacing: text;all the references list entries should be formatted according to requirements of the APA standard (http://www.apastyle.org/)the last line: abstract title, surname and name in Ukrainian.

Please submit your paper to vetlconference@gmail.com by the deadline of May 5, 2023.


Політика доступу до архівів

У інтересах авторів та читачів презентації доповідей конференцій, розміщених на цьому сайті публікуються у режимі відкритого доступу.

All submissions will undergo a blind peer-review process, wherein papers will be evaluated based on their relevance to the conferencetheme, originality, clarity, and contribution to the field of virtual exchange in education. As part of our strict anti-plagiarism policies, wewill thoroughly check every submission for plagiarism.


International Scientific Conference “Digital Inclusion in English Language Teaching”

The International Scientific Conference “Digital Inclusion in English LanguageTeaching” aims to bring together scholars, educators, researchers and practitioners toexplore the latest trends, technologies, and pedagogical strategies that enhance digitalinclusion in language education. We invite original and high-quality submissions thathighlight research, practices, and innovative approaches related to digital inclusion invarious educational contexts.Topics of interest for the conference include, but are not limited to:innovative pedagogies and digital technologiespedagogical strategies for digital inclusionbest practices in digital integrationpromoting accessibility and equity in digital learningadvancing digital literacy in ELTassessment and evaluation in e-learningemerging trends and innovations in ELTchallenges and solutions in implementing digital strategiesethical considerations in digital language education